Heavy Is The Crown Podcast
Welcome to the home of the most authentic Christian experience in podcasting, Heavy Is The Crown Podcast. My name is Mark, and my Co-host is Jose. We are both Christians that were lost in a world of drugs, alcohol, crime, prison, witchcraft, and a host of other sins at one time in our lives. We were saved by Christ, and now live our lives to serve Him in His Kingdom. We have both been in church leadership, and have seen first hand, the problems that the modern church faces on a daily basis. There is an identity crisis in the body of Christ today that is very disturbing. We will be discussing many topics that will be geared towards helping both new, and mature Christians, deal with obstacles that we all face on a daily basis. Our shows will be hard hitting, unadulterated truth. Something that many Christians are missing in their lives. Join us, as we discover together how to excel at following Christ.
Heavy Is The Crown Podcast
Can I get a witness?
Episode 11
What does protecting our witness mean? What does personal holiness look like in the life of a Christian? Join us as we talk about what it means to walk the walk, and keep your witness pure.